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A community of women who encourage one another to know and love God and His Word.

The Heart Behind the Daily Grace Collective

Our goal when forming the Daily Grace Collective was simple—create a community that makes it simple for any woman in any season of life to prioritize consistent time in God’s Word.

We know…

Faith comes through hearing the Word of Christ.
(Romans 10:17)

The Word of God is living and active.
(Hebrews 4:12)

We need the spiritual nourishment the BIble provides.
(Matthew 4:4)

Scripture is God-breathed and equips His servants for every good work.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Believers are called to not only hear, but also obey the Word of God.
(James 1:22)

And yet, we also know…

When life is busy, it is not easy to prioritize Bible reading and study.

The Bible is sometimes complex and difficult to understand.

Reading the Bible alone can feel isolating and discouraging.

We don’t always know how to get started or how to stay committed to Bible study.

Women often feel ill-equipped to dive into deep Bible study.

So, we’re here to help women overcome the barriers that keep them from prioritizing consistent Bible reading and study.


We do this by providing…

An invitation to our membership community, where we’ll intentionally study the Bible together.

Access to a growing library of theological resources made by the Daily Grace Co team specifically for women.

Relevant monthly workshops that will help you grow in your understanding and application of Scripture.

Exclusive digital Bible studies and resources.

Weekly encouragement and tips to help you stay consistent in your Bible study.

Exclusive discounts and early access to new releases.

Everything you need to study the Bible more consistently than ever before!

What We’re All About

We are a community of women who encourage one another to know and love God and His Word.

We collectively pursue consistency, community, and spiritual growth by relying on the daily grace that God provides.


We are not content with inconsistent Bible study habits. We prioritize consistently reading and studying the Bible because we believe that God created us to deeply know, wholly love, and daily glorify Him.


We believe that Christian community is vital to our spiritual health and growth. Therefore, we regularly initiate and invest in relationships with other believers in our local church and in the global Church.

Spiritual Growth

We actively seek to better understand and more fully live out the truths of Scripture. We don’t shy away from deep study because we believe all women are theologians. The goal of our study is simple—to know and love God more today than we did yesterday.

Daily Grace

We recognize that we cannot know or love God without His help. We fully rely on Jesus, our Savior, to bring us into a relationship with the Father and we are utterly dependent on the Spirit to grow and guide us.

Meet the Team

Get to know the passionate people who create all of the incredible resources found within the Collective!


Kristin Schmucker

B.A. in History
M.A. in Bible Exposition

Kristin is the CEO and visionary for The Daily Grace Co. After experiencing profound loss, Kristin turned to Scripture knowing it was the only balm to her aching heart. As she journaled what Scripture was teaching her in her grief, a company was born and a truth was confirmed—the gospel changes everything.

She is captivated by the Word of God due to the impact it has made on her life, and she loves sharing her passion for the Word with others. She strategizes new and innovative ways for us to better serve our customers and equip disciples. Our mission is an overflow of her heart.


Alexa Hess

B.A in Communication Studies
M.A in Ministry to Women

Alexa Hess is a writer and the Content Manager for the Daily Grace Co. She loves getting to support her team members and coming alongside other writers on her team to help them grow. Alexa has spent many years serving in women’s ministry and discipling young adults, and she is grateful for the ways she can use these experiences to encourage women and teens through her writing.

Alexa cares deeply about helping women and teens understand the beauty of the gospel and how to rest and respond to its truth through hard seasons or personal struggles, particularly in mental health struggles like anxiety. It is her hope that through her writing, she can point others to the peace and hope that is found in Christ, encouraging others to live a life of joyful discipleship to Jesus.


Anteneshia Sanders

B.S. in Nonprofit Leadership Studies
M.A. in Ministry to Women

Anteneshia is a Staff Writer at the Daily Grace Co. After graduating from Murray State University, Anteneshia spent two years working in student ministry at her home church in Hopkinsville, KY. Afterward, she attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC where she obtained a master's degree in ministry to women.

While attending seminary, Anteneshia self-published her first book of poetry, I Still Can't Swim. She has served in women's ministry as a bible study facilitator and teacher. She has always had a passion for writing and a passion for Jesus and she is thrilled to be able to marry those two passions to equip disciples in the word.


Beth White

B.A. in Christian Theology 
MLitt. In Analytic and Exegetical Theology
Doctor of Ministry Candidate

Beth White is a Staff Writer for The Daily Grace Co. and is thankful for the opportunity to contribute to the process of creating resources that equip disciples in their study of the Bible alongside the rest of The Daily Grace team. Before coming to The Daily Grace Co, Beth spent time teaching the Bible in both ministry and education environments. She deeply enjoys reading, studying, and learning about theology and the Bible, and has a passion for sharing all she learns through writing and teaching.

Because of her love for both theology and the church, she is especially concerned with making theologically rich concepts accessible and the Bible understandable for every Christian—no matter their experience, education, previous knowledge, or home environment.


Katie Davidson

B.A. in Communication Studies

Katie Davidson is a staff writer for The Daily Grace Co. She enjoys equipping women and families to know and love God through His Word—both in her writing and in ministry alongside her local church body. She is a wife and mom of two, passionate about discovering God’s mercies in the mundane.

Often, you will find Katie writing about persevering through trial and beholding God’s faithfulness, even on the hardest of days. As a cancer survivor, Katie lives to encourage others through their own seasons of hardship. Katie prays that her writing would magnify Christ as not only our Lord and Savior, but as our dearest friend and closest companion.

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Kristyn Perez

B.A. in Public Policy
M.A. in Biblical Counseling

Kristyn Perez is a staff writer for the Daily Grace Co. and enjoys teaching women how to know, study, and savor God’s Word. She is a wife and mom to three kids, and relishes in the sufficiency of God’s grace to broken sinners, like her. She is passionate about missions, adoption, and biblical counseling.

Before joining The Daily Grace Co. team, Kristyn and her husband lived overseas, working for the International Mission Board. She desires to equip the local church in its mission to make disciples of all nations by creating biblical and accessible resources. She particularly enjoys studying the intersection of biblical truth with the messiness of daily life, marveling at how the gospel brings hope to every season of our lives.


Krystal Dickson

B.S. in Human Development and Family Sciences

Krystal Dickson is the Editorial Director for The Daily Grace Co. and one of the co-hosts for the Daily Grace podcast. She is passionate about equipping women in the local church to know and love God through deep study of His Word.

Before joining Daily Grace, Krystal served in vocational church ministry for over ten years. She most recently served as a women’s ministry director teaching the Bible and writing content for her church. She loves teaching the Bible and encouraging women to be a disciple and a disciplemaker, no matter what context they are in.


Scott Dickson

B.S. in Political Science
Currently pursuing
M.A. in Theological Studies (in progress)

Scott Dickson is a Staff Writer at The Daily Grace Co. and loves helping others to see how the Bible should transform their everyday lives. Before joining the team at Daily Grace, he spent eleven years on staff at his church where he had the privilege of getting to preach, teach classes, and produce curriculums for small groups and Bible studies to use.

He is especially passionate about helping people to see how the Bible tells one grand story, and to communicate the various aspects of that story in clear, accessible language. He is excited to continue serving local churches through the resources provided by The Daily Grace Co!


Shelby Turner

B.A. in Religion

Shelby Turner is the Director of Content for the Daily Grace Co and she enjoys every aspect of creating Christ-centered resources alongside the wonderfully talented content team. After spending years quietly perfecting the craft of writing in the margins of motherhood, she now enjoys applying her love for crafting clear and compelling resources to all that the Daily Grace Co creates.

She is particularly passionate about helping women understand that the Bible is not only for pastors and professors, it is for them and it applies to their everyday lives—their taking care of little ones, making it through the work day, and waking to do it all again tomorrow lives.


Spencer Valeri

B.A. in Criminal Justice
M.A. in Biblical Studies
Master of Divinity

Spencer Valeri leads several departments as the Executive Vice President of Product Development for The Daily Grace Co. He spends much of his day ensuring new products are moving through the three main phases of product creation: writing, editing, and designing. Spencer enjoys leading his teams with care, fostering a healthy culture, and empowering them to create beautiful, theologically rich, and accessible resources that will equip disciples to know and love God and His Word.

Spencer came to The Daily Grace Co. with over 10 years of pastoral, leadership, and ministry experience, serving primarily in the areas of children’s ministry, discipleship, community, and pastoral care. He especially enjoys helping others develop genuine knowledge of Christ so that their love for God and for others will abound (Phil. 1:9).


Tess Picone

B.B.A in Marketing
M.A. in Biblical Studies  (in progress)

Tess Picone is a Staff Writer for the Daily Grace Co. and spends her time creating Christ-centered resources for the youngest readers. She enjoys spending her days marveling at who God is and teaching others about Him, alongside the rest of the content team. After time spent working in the church in children’s and student Ministry, she continues to disciple that age group by applying her experience and knowledge to the resources that Daily Grace Co. produces for them.

She is deeply passionate about taking big, theological truths and boiling them down in a way children can grasp. It is a great joy for her to teach children and watch them grow in their understanding of who God is and His love for them. She believes we should all have a childlike faith.

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Tiffany Dickerson

B.A. in History

Tiffany Dickerson is a staff writer at the Daily Grace Co. She has a passion for communicating the importance of historical and cultural context when studying the Bible. And as a pastor’s wife and women’s ministry director she loves serving the local church and equipping women to know the Word. These two passions collide in the creation of gospel centered resources that point women to Christ and the beauty of digging deep into Scripture.

With over a decade of experience leading women’s Bible studies, mentoring, and teaching workshops in the local church, she is honored to teach women through her writing as she highlights God’s sovereignty throughout history and His use of nations and cultures to further His plan of redemption.