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Beyond the Basics: Developing a Method for Deep Bible Study | March 23rd, 1 PM EST

In this workshop, we will walk through a Bible study method that is simple to learn and easily replicable in your own Bible study. This workshop will provide tips for strengthening your interpretation and application skills while seeing how all of Scripture points us to Christ. It is the same method that our Daily Grace content team uses so you’ll get a sneak peek into how we research and prepare for writing our own resources!

We will also have the opportunity to practice utilizing these skills in study exercises. This workshop is designed to be interactive and informative! Whether you have been reading the Bible for years or if you are still new to Bible study, you will come away from this workshop equipped with practical tips to implement in your time of Bible study.

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A Year in the Bible Podcast

Season 2 of A Year in the Bible Podcast: Reading the Bible from cover to cover is a big challenge! And it’s often even harder to understand and apply what you’re reading. A Year in the Bible with Daily Grace is a daily, 5-minute podcast that will help you: Read the Bible from cover to cover in one year using our Year in the Bible reading plan

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