A Prayer for the Tired Mom

By: Kristyn Perez

Motherhood is an incredible gift. God has given us great blessings through our children, and at the same time, motherhood often requires incredible strength and energy—more energy than we may have most days. So if you are a tired parent today, join us in the following prayer. If you are not a parent, use the following prayer to pray for the moms in your life. 


Thank You for the gift of motherhood. You have given us the great and precious privilege of raising little people and shepherding little hearts. Whether by birth or by adoption, you have given us the title of “Mom,” and we’re forever thankful.

At the same time, motherhood is not always easy, and many of us are tired, Lord. 

Some of us are touched out. Surrounded by little ones who follow us everywhere we go, wiping little noses, and changing little diapers, we are exhausted beyond words. 

Lord, give us your strenth


Others of us are tired in less physical ways. Weary from children who have strayed, discouraged from disciplining without seeing any results. 

Lord, when we feel too tired, give us Your strength. Help us to remember the greater mission we have as moms—to teach our children about You in word and deed—and help us to rely on You as we parent. As we care for our children physically, emotionally, and spiritually, give us wisdom in how to raise them, and help us to find rest in You. 

Help us rest in you.


Some of us are overwhelmed by the pressure to do it all. We see other moms who throw the best birthday parties and cook the best meals, but we can’t seem to find the energy to keep up. We don’t even know if we should try to keep up. As we taxi our children around to their vast and numerous activities, we wonder, “Does this even matter?” Are we doing too much? Are we not doing enough?

Lord, help us to center our priorities on You, not on keeping up with our neighbor’s frenetic paces, but walking in step with Your Spirit. Help us to look to Your Word to make decisions, and align our priorities to You, seeking to please You above all else. 

Some of us are lonely, mothering alone. We feel the weight and burden of our children’s well-being on our shoulders.

Lord, remind us that in You, we are never alone. You go before us, and You help us each step of the way. Even so, Lord, grant us friends and provide a community of moms we can live with and learn from. Help us to be good friends to others too.

Some of us are distracted. We’re more focused on work or activities or social media than we are our families. We long for a quick endorphin release of an online reel more than the long-lasting conversations with our children.


Lord, help us.


Lord, help us. Convict us where our priorities have gone astray, and help us to prioritize what matters most to You. Help us to be diligent in the way we teach our children about You, whether through reading the Bible together, praying for our children, or playing with our children. 

Lord, thank you for making us moms. When we are tired, help us not to withdraw from You, but to press into You. Help us to fulfill this role as worship to You.


Additional Resources for Moms: