Five Truths for Your Child as They Begin School

By: Tess Picone

Summer has come to an end, which means it’s time to go back to school. New teachers, different classmates, and a fresh classroom can all bring a mix of emotions. Your child may be feeling disappointed as summer comes to a close; anxious about new experiences; or excited and eager as they begin a new school year. While these feelings may seem difficult to navigate day to day, it presents an unique opportunity for you to share the truths of God’s character with your child. So let’s not shy away from these conversations because our to-do lists are calling our name—let’s instead lean into these precious moments at the start of the school year to give your child what they need most: the heart of God. 


A new school year is another reminder that your child can trust in God’s unchanging character. Below, you’ll find five truths about God’s character that you can share with your child as the school year begins!

A new school year is a reminder that your child can trust God’s unchanging character | TDGC

1. God is with you. 

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9, NLT). 


We’ve all been there: not knowing if we’ll see familiar faces in our classes, feeling anxious about the thought of sitting alone at lunch, or being unsure if we’ll make the sports team with all of our friends. The thought of being left alone or feeling embarrassed can be enough to make us shrink back from putting ourselves out there. Because of this, we often shy away from new experiences and instead seek the comfort of familiarity. So your child needs to be reminded over and over again that God is with them wherever they go. They don’t need to shy away from new experiences because the comfort of God is always by their side. Your child is never alone. 

2. God loves you. 

“Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds” (Psalm 36:5, NLT). 


Nothing is certain when it comes to the upcoming school year. While we wish for everything to be smooth sailing, there may be some hiccups along the way for your child. Administrators may fall short, friends may break promises, or classmates may be unkind. While your kids’ love for school may fluctuate, God’s love for them is constant. God’s love for them is wider than the sky and taller than the clouds. They can make it through the ups and downs of the school year because they know that God’s love for them will always be the same. His love is their anchor. 

While your kids’ love for school may change, God’s love for them is constant | TDGC

3. God made you.

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it” (Psalm 139:14, NLT). 


Comparison might be hard for your child to avoid while they’re at school for five days a week. They’re constantly comparing their smarts, talents, and looks to the person next to them. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking, “If only I was as smart, talented, or pretty as her, then I would be content.” Which is why your child desperately needs to know that because God made them in His image (Genesis 1:26), they’re wonderful! Even if they aren’t the prettiest, smartest, or most talented kid in their class, they are precious to the eyes of the One who made them. They are loved by God and that truth will silence every lie that tells them they’re not enough. 

4. God is your strength.  

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13, NLT). 


Whether it’s taking a difficult test, handling drama with friends, joining a club, or playing in a sports game, your child will soon find out that they can’t do it all out of their own strength. A time will come when they’ll realize that they aren’t as strong as they once thought they were. In times like these, you can teach your child how they can depend on God and lean on His strength because He is always on their side. God goes before them in all that they do. He is strong so they can be weak. 

5. God helps you love others.  

“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:16, NLT). 


As followers of Jesus, we are commanded to spread the good news of the gospel wherever we go (Matthew 28:19–20). It’s a command for all people—no matter how young or old they are. This means your child has been given the grace to make an eternal impact in someone else’s life. Through their words and actions, they can show their classmates the kindness of God. School is the perfect place for your child to learn how they can be used by God to spread God’s love to others. 


Your child can make an eternal impact in someone else’s life | TDGC

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