Ask Us Anything Fall 2021 | Ep. 138

It’s that time of year: we answer YOUR questions! Hard questions like: Do people live in hell? How can we tell people in our church that they’re getting away from Christ without offending them? Dealing with a lot of trauma; what does God say about that? To lighthearted questions: What’s Joanna’s hair routine? What’s Stefanie’s favorite duty station? If we could relive any time in our lives, what would we choose? And so much more. As always, we appreciate you all. Thank you for submitting questions, and thank you for being here!
*If you submitted a question and it was not answered, we noted them in a running document and will keep them in mind for future episodes or future Ask Us Anything episodes!
If you could relive any time of your life, what would you choose? (2:43)
What exactly is theology? (6:52)
What has been Stefanie’s favorite duty station so far? (9:37)
What is Joanna’s hair care routine? (11:15)
What are your favorite Daily Grace Co. products? (14:17)
How did The Daily Grace Co. begin? (16:13)
What are your tips for getting out of a spiritual rut? (19:04)
What are your thoughts on hell and eternal punishment? Do people live in hell? (21:58)
As Christian moms, what do you struggle with the most when it comes to parenting? 28:06)
How do we face our daily struggle with sin when we fail most of the time? (31:43)
Dealing with a lot of trauma. What does God say about it? (34:32)
What are some Christmas present recommendations? (37:24)
How do I encourage someone who is walking through marital hardship? (40:23)
What seminary programs do you recommend? (41:47)
Could you provide resources/thoughts/guidance for people who are new to Christianity or Christian-curious? (43:20)
How can I tell women in the church that they’re getting away from Christ without offending them? (45:47)
And quick answers to questions. (49:21)

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Ep. 1 Why You Need Theology by Daily Grace
TheraNatal Prenatal Vitamin
The Bible Handbook by The Daily Grace Co.
The Story of Redemption Journal Bundle by The Daily Grace Co.
The Theology Handbook by The Daily Grace Co.
“‘Tis So Sweet” Natural Campfire Mug by The Daily Grace Co.
Ep. 2 God’s Word in Joy & Pain With Kristin Schmucker by Daily Grace
Ep. 68 Walking Through Seasons of Spiritual Dryness by Daily Grace
Heaven & Hell Series by My Strange Bible Podcast
Ep. 131 Does God Really Work All Things for Good? by Daily Grace
Biblical Counselor Finder
"The Story of Redemption" Study Bundle by The Daily Grace Co.
Mugs by The Daily Grace Co.
Jewelry by The Daily Grace Co.
Bible Studies by The Daily Grace Co.
Abide Journal by The Daily Grace Co.
Be Still Journal - Floral by The Daily Grace Co.
Verse Cards by The Daily Grace Co.
Highlighters and Pens by The Daily Grace Co.
Scripture Memory Journal by The Daily Grace Co.
Reformed Theological Seminary
Westminster Theological Seminary
“Amen: From Eden to Eternity” Study by The Daily Grace Co.
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The Reason for God by Tim Keller
Ep. 52 The Truth About Gossip by Daily Grace
Ep. 21 Ask Us Anything by Daily Grace
Ep. 89 Ask Us Anything (Fall 2020) by Daily Grace
Ep. 115 Ask Us Anything (Spring 2021) by Daily Grace
“Search the Word” Study by The Daily Grace Co.
Ep. 51 Being Married to an Unbeliever With Sheila Dougal by Daily Grace
Ep. 135 What Does It Mean to Fear the Lord? by Daily Grace
Ep. 8 Can We Trust the Bible? by Daily Grace
Scripture mentioned in this episode:
Psalm 139:14
Isaiah 55:11
Psalm 1:1-3
Romans 7:14-25
1 John 1:9
James 1:5
Ephesians 4:29
John 8:3-11

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