Gift Guide for Mother's Day

Gift Guide for Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is a sweet holiday meant to make moms feel recognized, encouraged, and appreciated. But trying to figure out what to give a mom in your life can be difficult. You likely want to find that one gift that makes a mom smile or brings a tear to her eye. We are here to help you as you consider a Mother’s Day gift, and that is why we created this gift guide just for you! In this guide, you will find a collection of Daily Grace Co. items and resources that are perfect for moms in any season of life. This guide is categorized by what different moms may be wanting or needing in this season to make your gift even more personal and intentional!


For the mom who needs to be encouraged


Motherhood is a gift, but there are many times in which a mom feels overwhelmed and discouraged. Some moms are single, and they feel the weight of trying to parent their children alone. Other moms have estranged relationships with their children or even their own mother, and their hearts feel heavy when they consider these relationships. There are also moms who simply feel like it is impossible to parent their children in a sinful world. What mothers need in these emotions and situations is the truth of the gospel. The gospel gives mothers hope as they parent in a broken world. While all of our Daily Grace Co. resources point to the gospel, these two resources in particular are meant to help mothers remember and rest in the gospel. If you know a mom who is struggling and in need of encouragement, consider gifting her one or both of these books! 


Gospel-Centered Motherhood Booklet 


Hymns for a Mother’s Heart

What moms need in hard situations is the truth of the gospel | TDGC


The gospel gives moms hope as they parent in a broken world | TDGC

For the mom who has experienced or is experiencing pregnancy loss


Mother’s Day can be particularly painful for those who have experienced or are currently experiencing pregnancy loss. It can be heartbreaking for the woman who hoped to be a first-time mom or for the woman who hoped to have more children to find that hope dashed. And when they see other moms celebrating with their children, it can feel like salt in a wound. It is important on Mother’s Day to care for those who battle infertility and experience pregnancy loss. When we care for women who struggle to have children, we remind them that God cares for them just as much as anyone else. If you know a mom who has experienced or is currently experiencing pregnancy loss, consider giving them this booklet or journal to help bring them comfort and hope from God’s Word. 


Gospel Hope for Pregnancy and Infant Loss 


Praying Scripture for Pregnancy and Infant Loss

When we care for struggling moms, we remind them that God cares for them | TDGC

For the grieving mom 


While there are moms on Mother’s Day who are grieving a pregnancy loss, there are other moms who are grieving the loss of a son or daughter, or perhaps even their own mother. These types of mothers may feel the ache of wanting to spend this time with the person they’ve lost, knowing that they cannot. If you know a mom who is grieving this Mother’s Day, consider giving them this bundle to help them feel seen and comforted. 


Grief Bundle



For the busy mom 


Being a mom can feel like always being on the go. Whether it be tending to a newborn, driving kids to and from school, or attending sports games or ballet recitals, there seems to always be something to do. Busy moms might find themselves struggling to find time to be in God’s Word or staying on top of their tasks. So if you know a busy mom, consider gifting them a planner resource that can help them stay organized or be intentional about their time in God’s Word. You can even add some fun pens to go with them!


Bible Study Planner Pad 


This Week Planner Pad 


Quarterly Planner


Pen Set 



For the mom who wants to go deeper 


While motherhood is often busy, many moms still want to find a way to go deeper in their personal Bible study or in their discipleship with their children. But moms might struggle to know where to start or what to use to help them go deeper. We are all about helping people love God’s Word more, including families. So while there are many Daily Grace Co. resources to help someone go deeper, here are a few of our favorites! 


In the Word Journal


The Bible Handbook 


Theology for Me | Big Truths to Grow Your Faith Bundle


All About Jesus Family Devotional  


For the mom who wants a little something special 


Even though there are many moms who might want to feel encouraged emotionally or spiritually on Mother’s Day, there are also moms who simply want something a little special. These moms might not be looking for a resource but something beautiful that they can admire. So if you know a mom who would appreciate a gift that is particularly lovely, consider these gifts! 


Bloom Necklace 


Made New Necklace


ESV Journaling Bible


His Loves Endures Forever Mug


The Daily Grace Podcast

We want to invite women to join us in our conversation about our great God, and be encouraged to seek a deeper knowledge of God that leads them to live their lives for God’s glory as they grow in love and awe in response to who He is.