Battling Discontentment During the Holidays | Ep. 148

It’s the holidays! Twinkle lights are everywhere. You’re thinking about gifts and holiday outings. You log onto social media and see a ton of gift guides. You see perfectly curated photos of families at pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms. Suddenly, you feel something: you feel discontentment. Discontentment can be a struggle any time of the year, but it definitely can be magnified during the holiday season. And what we have found is that social media adds fuel to the flame. In the past, we could only see what people were buying or doing in our local vicinities. Now, we can see what tens of thousands of people are buying and doing around the entire world! If we’re not careful, we’ll not only be consumed with discontentment, but we could even miss out on the true reason for the season: Jesus.
It’s easy to look to other things to feel the hype of the season. This is true even for believers! So we want to ask: how can we combat discontentment, engage wisely on social media, and ultimately, magnify the true meaning of Christmas both online and offline? Come join our conversation!
- Holidays conjure up a lot of feelings. (5:44)
Discontentment can be fueled by social media by putting an:
- Emphasis on material possessions (8:15)
- Emphasis on the experience of the holidays (9:57)
- Emphasis on perfection (11:16)
- Discontentment can be sneaky. (13:44)
- The true hype of the Christmas season is Christ Himself. (17:30)
- Fix your eyes for eternity. (23:50)
The gospel speaks to whatever our need or “lack” is. (25:31)
- Lack of material possessions. (27:43)
- Lack of healthy relationships with family/friends. (32:01)
- Put boundaries up regarding social media (44:04)

Resources mentioned in this episode:
The Daily Grace Co. YouTube Channel
Ep. 131 Does God Really Work All Things for Good? by Daily Grace
Home Moving Labels
Cut Da Carb Wraps
Prayers for My Children Verse Card Set by The Daily Grace Co.
Ep. 96 True Hope for Hard Times: Setting Our Eyes on Eternity by Daily Grace
Ep. 42 When the Holidays Are Hard With Kristyn Perez by Daily Grace
Scripture mentioned in this episode:
Galatians 3:3
Colossians 3:2
1 Corinthians 2:9
Philippians 4:11-13
Psalm 66:17-20
John 1:12
Hebrews 13:5
Psalm 84:11

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