Every day I am actually very excited to work on this study. It's been a while since I've done a study and before I would kind of have to force myself to work on it (once I started I was super into it again but the thought of sitting down to do it sometimes felt hard). NOT WITH THIS ONE THOUGH! With this study I get so excited about working on it that I find myself thinking "I can't wait to sit down to work on my study!" To add to that, I feel more seen than I have with anything else parenting related. And there is absolutely no unnecessary guilt. Conviction? Yes. But as it is with all the DG studies I have done so far, there is an exquisite balance of grace and truth in their studies. I walk away feeling uplifted while also feeling like I just found a new avenue in which to explore my relationship with God. Okay, I could honestly go on about this study all day but I digress!!