Mens Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt | TDGC
Mens Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt | TDGC
Mens Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt | TDGC
Mens Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt | TDGC
Mens Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt | TDGC
Mens Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt | TDGC
Mens Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt | TDGC
Mens Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt | TDGC

Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt: Finding Security & Certainty In Christ | A Study on the Letters of John - Men

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How can we receive assurance of our relationship with Christ? How are we kept from being deceived by false teaching? How does God call us to live as believers? The letters of John answer these questions by giving believers gospel-centered encouragement and truths that motivate our faithfulness and give us security and certainty in our faith.

Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt | A Study on the Letters of John is a 6-week study that will:

  • Teach you what it looks like to be a follower of Christ
  • Give you assurance in your relationship with Christ
  • Remind you of the blessings of being a believer
  • Encourage you to live in light of the gospel
  • Motivate you to remain rooted in the truth of the gospel

Special resources included within the study:

  • How to Study the Bible
  • Attributes of God
  • Timeline of Scripture
  • Metanarrative of Scripture
  • Who Was John?
  • John’s Three Tests
  • Ending Reflection
  • What Is the Gospel?

Key themes: love, obedience, truth, assurance, fellowship


  • This study is perfect for individuals or groups.
  • Each week contains five days of study material, in addition to a weekly introduction, a weekly memory verse, daily study questions, and weekly reflection questions.
  • Spiral (coil) bound study 

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We believe that the Bible is true, trustworthy, and timeless. We desire to know and love God, and to live out the truth of God's Word in our everyday lives.


My entire faith has been shifted and advanced by The Daily Grace Co. I wake up each morning with a newfound excitement and hope to get into God's Word and have my affection more deeply stirred for Him. My eyes have been opened anew to the truth and remarkable grace which exists in the Bible. I am so grateful that these products exist.

Maeve M.

The Daily Grace Co. has equipped me to be a better has made me a strong believer in the importance of women knowing good theology! The Daily Grace Co. has transformed my life and walk with Christ.

Kara A.
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Bible Studies
For Every Believer

Customer Reviews

Based on 42 reviews
Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt Study

I am doing this study with my ladies' group at church. We haven't started yet but I have started reviewing it as the digital while waiting for the books to arrive as I am a leader of the group and want to be prepared. I am looking forward to this study and the rich Biblical content. I have done many of the studies from Daily Grace Co. and have not found one that I didn't thoroughly enjoy and grow through deepening my understand of scripture and my relationship with God. Thank you for providing rich, Spirit led content.

Brenna B.
Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

I love the spiral bound!

Katherine M.
Feeling so encouraged

I’m only on day 5 of this study, but I have been loving every single day so far! It is so encouraging and informative. I love being able to deepen my understanding of God’s word.

Lisa T.
Beyond a shadow of doubt

Looking forward to starting this beautiful study. Appears comprehensive. We need security and peace especially in this day and age and it’s good to know we have this assurance in Christ!

John’s Letters

I recently ordered this study along with the gospel of John study. I’m looking forward to doing them by first going through the gospel of John, then continuing on with the first, second and third letters. I think this sequence would be very beneficial and as far as I can tell these studies are well designed and well paced to fit my schedule. I am particularly looking forward to employing the inductive study method the materials recommended. I am sure that my understanding will be deeper afterwards.

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