Have you ever wondered how all of Scripture points to Jesus? Our new four-volume, year-long study, Christ in All of Scripture, will guide you in understanding how every part of the Bible points to Jesus Christ and how to read God's Word through the lens of the good news of the gospel.
Volume 4, covering weeks 40 through 52, focuses on passages from the prophets, starting with Jeremiah and concluding with Malachi. Each week, you'll explore and annotate one Old Testament passage along with a related New Testament passage, learning how they connect and what they reveal about Jesus and the gospel. Each week also includes a day dedicated to applying the Scriptural truths to your daily life.
Special features in this volume include detailed explanations of key prophecies and their connection to Jesus, as well as a final week designed to help you reflect on your journey and celebrate all you've learned.
Change the way you read the Bible by discovering Jesus on every page!
Christ in All of Scripture: A 52-Week Journey of Discovering Jesus on Every Page of the Bible Volume 4 is designed to:
* Teach you how to read Scripture through the lens of the gospel
* Help you see how all God’s promises are fulfilled through Christ
* Show you how the Old Testament connect to the New Testament
* Encourage you to make connections and applications that are Christ–centered
Make it possible for you to be in Scripture and focus on Christ all year long