bible study on the book of john for men
bible study on the book of john for men
Come and See | Bible Study on John - Men
Come and See | Bible Study on John - Men
Come and See | Bible Study on John - Men
Come and See | Bible Study on John - Men
Come and See | Bible Study on John - Men

Come and See | Bible Study on John - Men

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 Come and See  | 10-week Study | John Study

Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:30-31

What does it look like to live an abundant life? We live in a world that tries to convince us that life can be found in temporary pleasures. However, in the pages of the Gospel of John, we are invited to “come and see” and to believe in the only source of true life: Jesus Christ. 

Come and See | A Study on the Gospel of John is a 10-week study that equips believers to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the gospel.
  • Learn about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Recognize what it truly means to be a disciple of Jesus.

Special resources within study:

  • Helpful Tips for Scripture Memory
  • Map of Israel in New Testament Times
  • Map of Jesus’s Travels Through Samaria
  • Miracles in the Book of John
  • List of Seven I Am Statements of Christ
  • Passion Week Timeline

Key themes: The Gospel, Messiah, Discipleship, Abiding in Christ, Prayer, Local Church, I Am, Suffering, Belief, Resurrection

Ordering for your church or small groups? We offer bulk discounts!! To get a quote for your bulk purchase, please email us at


  • This study is perfect for individuals or groups. 
  • Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions. 
  • Measures 8x10
  • Includes 258 pages 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 711 reviews

Has brought me closer to God in so many different waysways!

Anne C.

I am so excited to start this study!

Kris W.
I Came and Saw Jesus!

Excellent study. I learned some things I didn't quite recognize before. This study combined with scenes from The Chosen in my head, really brought Jesus to life for me! There are hidden treasures in John that you probably have never thought of before!

Joy V.

I have been eating this study UP. From having beautifully laid out maps and info graphics (that are somehow so perfectly aesthetic AND helpful for growing in knowledge of the content of scriptures) this study has been a breath of fresh air. It's just enough for each day by being easy enough that you can't make any excuses to skip a day, but deep enough that you get a beautiful dive into each verse. One of my favorites from Daily Grace so far!

Brittany E.
Wonderful study!

First, this book is absolutely gorgeous. The binding is pretty and the pictures throughout are so nice. The paper is not thin and my markers and pen don't bleed through it. I'm using this to lead a group of ladies through the book of John and we are excited to really dig in. Thank you for creating a great resource!!

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