Grace in Chaos Bundle

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Grace in Chaos | Biblical Hope for the Hard Days of Motherhood: For many women, motherhood feels like simultaneously the greatest responsibility in the world and the most difficult one. Thankfully, we do not walk alone. God is with us in our motherhood—gently strengthening, helping, and restoring us. He is tender and compassionate with us on our hard days of mothering, our very present help in every season. Remind you of the nearness of Jesus, even on the hard days.
Praying Scripture for Motherhood: This journal guides readers to pray through passages of Scripture with a focus on motherhood. The journal features passages to pray printed directly in the journal, guided instructions on praying the Bible, commentary on the passage, guided prayers, and questions to prompt prayer. The journal also includes guided pages at the end that can be used to pray any passage in the Bible.
31 Days of Prayer for My Children: One of the greatest gifts a parent or guardian can give their child(ren) is the gift of prayer. This booklet is designed so that you can return to it over and over again as you lift up your child(ren) year after year. Whether your children are infants, toddlers, teenagers or adults, this booklet will help you spend focused time in prayer each day as you pray for their salvation, friends, future or current spouses, wisdom, health, and faithfulness, to name a few.
Hymns For A Mother's Heart: It is filled with hymns and reflections on the truths contained in them and how they point us to Jesus in our mothering. The book contains 21 hymns. Each hymn has a devotional, the hymn lyrics, prayers for mothers and prayers for her children, as well as space for notes and reflections.