My husband and I have been wanting to do a devotional together, but the ones we looked on Amazon at just give you one verse and then a short little blip to meditate on, then you’re done. They don’t go into depth on the Word of God, which is our daily bread. This study bundle is exactly what we were looking for. It’s more in depth, but still bite sized chunks that are manageable and attainable for working people. I just started this study two nights ago, right when it came in! So far, I’ve done the first two days. My husband and I are going to start on Sunday, but I couldn’t help but look ahead to the next seven weeks. This study looks amazing. I’ve always struggled to read through Numbers and Deuteronomy, and this study has some really great insights to have a practical application of those books. It also has so much cross-reference with the gospels, which is so exciting. We get to see the parallels between Moses and Jesus, and how important they both are, but more specifically how much we NEED Jesus. I have always loved Moses’ story, and I’m so happy to be diving into this in more depth than ever before. I will be buying more from Daily Grace! It’s a great way to keep you in the Bible every day!