Curious about how all of Scripture points to Christ but are unsure of how of passages in Genesis or Exodus point to Jesus? Or perhaps you're new to studying the Bible and wondering how the gospel ties into your readings? Our new four-volume, year-long study, Christ in All of Scripture, is designed just for you. This series will help you discover how every part of the Bible points to Jesus Christ and shows you how to read God's Word through the lens of the gospel.
Volume 1 starts with a prep week to equip you with the skills needed for the study. This study spans thirteen weeks and focuses on select passages from Genesis and Exodus. Each week, you'll delve into an Old Testament passage alongside a New Testament counterpart, exploring their connections and what they reveal about Jesus and the gospel. The study also includes a day dedicated to applying these insights to your daily life, helping you understand how Jesus' work and identity impact you.
Discover how seeing Jesus throughout the Bible can transform your understanding of Scripture! Christ in All of Scripture: A 52-Week Journey of Discovering Jesus on Every Page of the Bible Volume 1 is designed to:
* Teach you how to read Scripture through the lens of the gospel
* Help you see how all God’s promises are fulfilled through Christ
* Show you how the Old Testament connect to the New Testament
* Encourage you to make connections and applications that are Christ–centered
* Make it possible for you to be in Scripture and focus on Christ all year long